
Here are a few quick tutorials to get you up and running, writing your own Ethereum applications.

Required Software


Git is a version management system for source code. It provides your with complete history tracking, which makes it easy to undo mistakes and see what has changed from one time to another.

See: Installing Git


Node.js (and npm, which comes with it) is a JavaScript interpreter and package management, which many of the Ethers tools are built in and managed by.

See: Installing node.js and npm

The Ethers CLI (Command Line Interface) is a package of tools to simplify creating, maintaining and deploying your applications on ethers.space which is a free web hosting platform provided by Ethers.

To install ethers-cli using npm:

/Users/ricmoo> sudo npm install -g ethers-cli

Creating Testnet Accounts

For the tutorials, create two accounts on testnet, one named “Admin” and one named “User”.

Step #1
Go to https://testnet.ethers.io.
Step #2
Select “Create New Account”.
Step #3
Choose and confirm your password; do NOT lose this password, it cannot be reset.
Step #4
Download your encrypted Backup JSON Wallet.
Step #5
Drag and drop your Backup JSON Wallet (to verify you have successfully downloaded it; it is not uploaded to any server).
Step #6
Click the Accounts Gear and select the account.
Step #7
Click the Edit Name Icon (pencil icon) and change the name.


As time goes on, we will add more tutorials here.

Create a Token

A common example of an Ethereum application, creating a token which you can mint and award to people.

Begin Tutorial