An ordered collection of AccessList entries.
A single AccessList entry of storage keys (slots) for an address.
A BLOb object that can be passed for EIP-4844 transactions.
It may have had its commitment and proof already provided or rely on an attached KzgLibrary to compute them.
Returns a AccessList from any ethers-supported access-list structure.
A full-valid BLOb object for EIP-4844 transactions.
The commitment and proof should have been computed using a KZG library.
The BLObs for the Transaction, if any.
If blobs is non-null, then the seriailized will return the network formatted sidecar, otherwise it will return the standard EIP-2718 payload. The unsignedSerialized is unaffected regardless.
When setting blobs, either fully valid Blob objects may be specified (i.e. correctly padded, with correct committments and proofs) or a raw BytesLike may be provided.
If raw BytesLike are provided, the kzg property must be already set. The blob will be correctly padded and the KzgLibrary will be used to compute the committment and proof for the blob.
A BLOb is a sequence of field elements, each of which must be within the BLS field modulo, so some additional processing may be required to encode arbitrary data to ensure each 32 byte field is within the valid range.
Setting this automatically populates blobVersionedHashes, overwriting any existing values. Setting this to null does not remove the blobVersionedHashes, leaving them present.
This throws if the transaction is unsigned. For the pre-image, use unsignedSerialized.
The pre-image hash of this transaction.
This is the digest that a Signer must sign to authorize this transaction.
Returns true if this transaction is an EIP-4844 BLOB transaction.
This provides a Type Guard that the related properties are non-null.
The blobs (if any) attached to this transaction (see EIP-4844).
The versioned hashes (see EIP-4844).
An external library for computing the KZG commitments and proofs necessary for EIP-4844 transactions (see EIP-4844).
This is generally null, unless you are creating BLOb transactions.
The maximum fee per blob gas (see EIP-4844).