Here is a short recipe to get all the text records set for an ENS name.
It first queries all TextChanged events on the resolver, and uses a MulticallProvider to batch all the eth_call queries for each key into a single eth_call. As such, you will need to install:
Fetching all ENS text records.
import { ethers } from "ethers";
import { MulticallProvider } from "@ethers-ext/provider-multicall";
async function getTextRecords(_provider, name) {
// Prepare a multicall-based provider to batch all the call operations
const provider = new MulticallProvider(_provider);
// Get the resolver for the given name
const resolver = await provider.getResolver(name);
// A contract instance; used filter and parse logs
const contract = new ethers.Contract(resolver.address, [
"event TextChanged(bytes32 indexed node, string indexed _key, string key)"
], provider);
// A filter for the given name
const filter = contract.filters.TextChanged(ethers.namehash(name));
// Get the matching logs
const logs = await contract.queryFilter(filter);
// Filter the *unique* keys
const keys = [ ...(new Set( => log.args.key))) ];
// Get the values for the keys; failures are discarded
const values = await Promise.all( => {
try {
return resolver.getText(key);
} catch (error) { }
return null;
// Return a Map of the key/value pairs
return keys.reduce((accum, key, index) => {
const value = values[index];
if (value != null) { accum.set(key, value); }
return accum;
}, new Map());
// Example usage
(async function() {
const provider = new ethers.InfuraProvider();
console.log(await getTextRecords(provider, "ricmoo.eth"));